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For whatever reason, my dream in life was to have a 50th wedding anniversary. It seems silly now, but I didn’t dream of my wedding or my partner, it was that 50th anniversary...
You’ve probably heard this word a thousand times and it may seem too simple to be true… but I’ve found that the one step to the elusive feeling of happiness is…...
If you’ve ever felt like the world is too big, too confusing or just downright overwhelming to tackle on your own, then this blog post is for you. I know what it feels like when it...

Determine where you are right now. List all your debts, your habits, and what you think is holding you back. Once everything is down, you might feel pretty bad. It's ok to cry or be upset, just don't stay there long!

Make a Plan
No matter where you are now, you can make it better! You can't tackle everything at once, but you have to start somewhere. Think of which goal will be most satisfying to accomplish and make a plan.

Stick to it
This is, without a doubt, the hardest part. Get in the habit of thinking about your goals every time temptation gets in the way. Ask yourself, "is this going to get me closer toward my goals or farther away"